29 Aralık 2014 Pazartesi

Melek Balığı


Not:Bu makaleyi tamamen kendi tecrube ve gözlemlerime dayanarak,kendim yazdım.

Melek balıkları, anavatan olarak Güney Amerika’da Amazon nehrinde yaşamaktadır. 
Davranış olarak sakin bir balıktır. Sakinlikten kasıt yüzüşleri sakin, telaşsız, huzur verici bir kişilikleri vardır. Fakat kendi aralarında yetişkin melek balıkları bölgelenme duygusu güçlü olduğu için sürekli diğer melek balıklarıyla kovalaşma halinde bulunur.
Melek balıkları aslında davranış bakımından orta derecede agresif bir balıktır, özellikle kendi cinsine bölge durumundan dolayı daha çok agresif hareketler sergiler.

Melek balıkları alışınca ele gelen balıklardır. Fakat ne kadar ele gelseler de davranış biçimlerinde ürkeklikte vardır. Örneğin ani hareketler yaptığınızda, cama tıkladığınızda, ve akvaryuma yaklaştığınızda anlık bir ürkeklik tepkisi gösterirler. 
Sakinliklerinden ve asil, kendilerinin güzelliklerini göstererek yüzüşünden dolayı birçok akvarist’ in ilgiyle bakıp, beslediği balıklardır.


Melek balıkları özellikle yetişkinler çok hareketli bir balık olmadığı için çok büyük hacimlere gerek duyulmamaktadır. Bir çift melek balığı için 80-85 litre ideal bir hacimdir. Fakat çoklu olarak bakmak isteyenler örnek 10 tane melek balığı için 280 litre tam ideal bir hacimdir. Akvaryumun dekoru ve gerekli olanlar ise;
Akvaryumları mango kökü, red moor kütüğü , bitki veya hepsi ile dekor edilebilir.
Melek balıklarının tankında özellikle canlı bitki bence kesinlikle eksik edilmemelidir. Bitkinin yanında mango kökükü gibi suyu yumuşatan köklerin de kullanımı uygun olucaktır.

Bitki olarak özellikle cryptocornie, saz ve anubias’ı tercih ederim,bence melek Tankına en çok yakışan bitkiler bunlardır.
Dekorların yanında melek tanklarının temizliği ve filtre sistemi de çok önemlidir. 
85 litre üstü melek akvaryumların da kesinlikle güçlü bir dış filtre kullanılmalıdır. Bu balıklar suyu kirleten balıklar değildir fakat taze suyu ve asidik olmayan suyu severler bu yüzden suları sürekli temiz ve taze tutulmalıdır. 
Akvaryumlarına kum olarak ise benim tercihim aquaclay kum, hem bitkiler için kullanılır, hem de suyu biraz da olsa yumuşatır.
Akvaryumun su ısısı ise 28-30 derece olmalıdır.BESLENME;

Melek balıklarının beslenmesi de çok önemlidir. Çünkü besinsiz kaldıklarında yada aldıkları yemden yeteri kadar vitamin alamadıklarında dirençleri de düşer.Yem olarak benim tercihim pul yem kullanılmasıdır.
Pul yemin yanında kaz ciğeri, discus yemi gibi ufuk parçacık halinde olan yemlerde kullanılabilir. 
Melek balıkları etçil beslenen balıklardır. Bu yüzden verdiğiniz yemlerin etçil veya etçil ağırlıklı olmasına dikkat edin. Tamamen otçul yem kullanmayınız.


Melek balıkları hastalık bakımından çok sağlam balıklar değildir. İyi yemlenmediği ve besinlerden yeterli vitamin alamadığı sürüce dirençleri de düşecektir. 
Melek balıklarının en çok yakalanacağı hastalıklar ise;

1-Kuyruk erimesi;
Sebebi: Bakteriler veya su ısısının düşük olması.
Tedavi yöntemi: İlk olarak su ısısı düşükse 28-30 dereceye çıkartılır. Daha sonra kaya tuzu ve metilen mavisi tedavisi uygulanır.Eczanede bemix ampül alınır ve her 100 litre ye bir ampül kırılır.

2-Dış parazit;
Nedeni: bakteri
Belirtileri: Balığın derisinde yaralar gözleri de şişme, ve kuma sürtünme.
Tedavi yöntemi: İlk olarak metilen mavisi kullanılır, daha sonra ise dış parazit ilaçları kullanılır.

3-İç parazit
Nedeni: Genelde aldığı gıdalardan dolayı balığın içinde bakteri oluşumu.

Belirtileri: Hareketsizlik,suyun dibinde veya suyun üstünde hareketsiz durma.Renk solgunluğu ve iştahsızlık ve karında şişlik.

Tedavi: Mikofish gibi iç parazit ilaçları kullanılır.


Melek balıklarında üreme ise eş tutan çift ayrı bir tanka ayrılır. Daha sonra çiftin tanklarına önlem amaçlı yumurtadan önce metilen mavisi damlatılır. Akvaryumun tabanına düz cam koyulur veya üçgen yumurtlama kabı koyulur, yumurtayı bu cisimlerin üstüne dökerler fakat cama veya filtreye de dökebilirler. Yumurtalar açılana kadar ve açıldıktan sonra çift bakar.

Saygılar...Şafak Hançer

6 Aralık 2014 Cumartesi

Piranhas (English)

When people hear the word piranha,a monster which is famous for its agressive and offensive behaviors comes to peopl's mind. Although piranhas are not monsters,it is clear that they are agressive and offensive species. Firstly i will tell basic information about piranha and the kinds of piranhas and then i will introduce some spesific piranhas. As most people considere,piranhas have agressive and offensive behaviours In the other words they are wild animals. I want to emphisize that piranhas don't live in the sea or in the ocean because it is knonw by most people that piranhas live in the sea. This is completely wrong. Piranhas live in fresh water and their homeland is Amazon River in Brazil. Amazon River is the second longest river in the world,it is approximately 6.400 km long, and it is located in a very large area of The South America. Amozan River includes firstly Brazil,and some other countries which are around Brazil these are Peru,Colombia and venezuelan etc. In addition to being so long, Amazon River also covers very large parts of The South America in terms of wideness and piranhas live in that great Amazon River as well. Amazon is a tropical area and as it includes rain forests,it has a warm climate. Therefore piranhas live in these warm amazon waters which are approximately 22-28 degrees.

Pygocentrus Nattereri

 Piranhas completely have a pack psychology and they have a great hunter instict. The fuzzy water of Amazon River enables piranhas to reach their chases easily because the fuzzy water of Amazon River decreases the eyesight of their games in the water and that's why piranhas can attack their games without being realised. Piranhas are carnivous animals and so they have small,dense and so sharp teeth so that they can break off meat by biting. Since piranhas have pack psychology,in the water they always go somewhere and hunt together especially Pygocentrus Family. As i fed these species in the aquarium,i could observe and experience them. Although piranhas have agressive and offensive character when a piranha is alone,it behaves like a coward in the other words when a piranha is apart from the pack it is more likely to be affraid,to be coward and to run away. In contrast if piranhas are together with a pack consisting of more than three-six members,they behaves in a brave way and they can attack everyting. Especially Pygocentrus Family is completely depended on a pack so they show their acual agressive character and feel in safe with a pack. The genuses of piranha are two as carnivorous. One is Pygocentrus family and the another one is Serrasalmus family.

Pygocentrus Nattereri
Pygocentrus family consists of three piranhas and these are Pygocentrus Nattereri,Pygocentrus Cariba and Pygocentrus Piraya. Among the members of Pygocentrus,the most widespread one is Pygocentrus Nattereri and it is available in almost all parts of Amazon River. Pygocentrus family is absolutely depended on a pack,their pack psychology is so strong. They prefer being with a crowded,huge pack. This feature of Pygocentrus family enables them to show their real agressive and offensive attidude. The another genus is Serrasalmus. Serrasalmus family consists of more then twenty members. This family has plenty of members. Unlike Pygocentrus family,the members of Serrasalmus family live alone,they may be with a pack in the time which is mating time for them and they may be also seen together in nature,but they prefer being and hunting alone. İn spite of these there are some kinds of Serrasalmus which live with a pack. Serrasalmus family has more agrressive and wild behavior compered to Pygocentrus family. Since i also fed Serrasalmus Rhombeus,Serrasalmus Elongatus and Serrasalmus Serrulatus in the aquarium,i could observe these differences between them. I kept my serrusalmus piranhas alone in a big aquarium bucause if i had kept two serrasalmus piranhas in the same aquarium,one of them would have eat the another one. It is understood that Serrasalmus family is so agressive and they can not even bear eachother and they shold be kept alone except the kinds living with a pack. The dentition and the chin of serrasalmus family are stronger escecially Rhombeus compered to Pygocentrus family. In addition to these Pygocentrus piranhas are more active and fidgety species then Serrsalmus piranhas. Serrasalmus piranhas would rather be earnest and slow. These two piranha families Serrasamus and Pygocentrus are count as a real carnivorous piranha families.Apart from these two families,there are some herbivorous kinds of piranhas which are said to be piranha,but they are not accepted to be piranhas especially by people who are interested in piranhas. These herbivorous species are fishes such as Colossoma macropomum,Pacu, and Myleus rubripinnis,Silver Dollar, and the like.

I want to introduce two specific,well-known and wide spread piranhas that hold  specific agressive and offensive piranha behaviours. These are Pygocentrus Nattereri and Serrasalmus Rhombeus.

Pygocentrus Nattereri

Pygocentrus Nattereri is a species that belongs to Pygocentrus family. Pygocentrus Nattereri is a certain piranha which is completely depended on a pack,they move and hunt with a crowded pack. These kinds of piranhas,Nattereri, are seen in nearly all parts of Amazon River. Their looking features are like piranha forms known. Their lower chin is more beyond compered to the upper part. Since they are carnivorous,their teeth are small,but dense and so sharp and they look like a triangle. The bellies of Nattereri piranhas are red and there are some light and black spots on their bellies,especially these spots are more distinctive on young Nattereri piranhas. The most markable feature of Nattereri piranhas is that they are completely depended on a pack consisting of a lot of members. İ myself could observe their this feature as i fed in the aquarium. When they stay alone,they become coward and show fearful movements like starting to run away and rushing into something like glass,decor,plants etc. In contrast if they are with a pack they become as brave as a monster. In addition Nattereri piranhas are very active and fidgety animals. They are so fast and active that you can get tired while watch them. After eating,they might be inactive and still until they digest what they eat.

2 Aralık 2014 Salı

Hawaii (English)

                                   Hawaiian Islands

Hawaiian Islands are a archipelago which is very famous and very well known all over the world.Hawaiian islands also appeal to me so much,Hawaii is always in my mind and i have always wanted to go to Hawaii,even to move there and i still desire to make these pretty dreams come true.So when i hear the word Hawaii,i have a smile on my face and i feel hopeful. Firstly i will share basic information about Hawaiian Islands.
 Hawaiian Islands are located in Pasif Ocean and they are 3.700 km away from the main land. Hawaii consists of some islands,but the islands that are accepted to be the main big islands of Hawaii consist of eight islands. Firstly the biggest one of them is Hawaii İsland(Big İsland) and the others are Oahu,Maui,Lanai,Molokai,Kauai,Niihau and Kahoolawe. Among these eight islands,the bigget one is Hawaii(Big Island).The capital city of Hawaii is Honolulu. Honolulu is on Ohau island which also has the highest population of Hawaii. Its population is around 900.000. Acording to the statistics that were done in 2010,the population of Ohau island is 953.207. Honolulu is exactly like a city. There are long buildings,factories,luxury hotels,restaurants and long motorways in Honolulu. Although Honolulu is getting bigger everyday,it is said that the local people in Hawaii are so sensitive about nature and they make a great affort to protect the nature of Hawaii. In 2013 the total population of Hawaii was saved as 1.404.054 people. Hawaiian islands were first seized by other polenesian islands and after that various tribes and people settled down on Hawaiian Islands. In 1778, English James Cook set foot on Hawaii and James Cook is consideret to be the first european person who went to Hawaii for the first time and after James Cook set foot, relationships between Hawaii and europe started.Furthemore because of these relationships,gunpowder was introduced to Hawaii and that's why Hawaiian people began to capture other islands.

Hawaii depends on The United States. Hawaii joined The U.S.A in 1898. In addition hawaii is counted among the states of America and Hawaii is the fiftieth and the last state of The U.SA. Hawaii completely has a volcanic shape,all the islands of Hawaii were generated by volcanicity. The volcanos in Hawaii are still active,they maintain their volcanicity. The main subtance of the land of Hawaii are lavas which go to the surface from under the water and after lavas get cold,they are formed as a land. The reason why Hawaii is still contunuing to expand is beacuse active volcanos still keep their volcanicity today and this leads to the expanding of Hawaiian Islands. The biggest volcanic mountain in the world is ''Mauna Loa'' and it is located on Hawaii(Big Island) which is the biggest island of hawaii. Mauna Loa means long mountain in local hawaiian language. On the other hand Hawaii has a perfect climate that is so suitable for visitors loving tropical climate. Hawaii has a tropical climate. Temperatures are usually between 18 and 26 degrees,but in some seasons temperatures may decrease under 18(in the coldest season,around 14-16 degrees) and they may increase up to 26(in the hottest season,around 29-32 degrees). Since Hawaii is in the middle of Pasific Ocean and it is quite far from the main land,the rate of humidity is high. Therefore rain is a fact which can be associated with Hawaii. In the world,the second place that takes rain the most is on Kaua island and it is Waialeale Mountain. In Hawaii,Creole English is used apart from Local Hawaiian Language. Creole English is a complecated language which includes both English and Local Hawaiian Language. The most familiar word in this language is ''Aloha''. Aloha means some meanings,these are firstly hello,see you,thank you and i love you. As it is seen,this language is a bit different,but it is so nice in terms of sounds. The main source of income is tourism in Hawaii. Hawaii holds completely a touristic feature. The result with that all restaurants,hotels,shops are provided income by tourism.


 In addition of these,Hawaii has its own culture. Hawaiian people assimilated a life style acording to the geographic contitions and features of Hawaii. As the most important sign for Hawaii is Ocean and nature,Hawaiian people feel that they belong to ocean and nature. So they also prefer doing activities relevant to ocean and nature. Mostly all of people living in Hawaii go surfing,they are really successful about surfing. Also Hula Dance and Hawaiian shirts are important signs that belong to Hawaiian culture.


Şafak Hançer



Note: I benefitted from Wikipedia while writing this article.